Friday, October 19, 2007


I was working on a D&D adventure arc for the D&D website. Things fell behind because of personal issues on my side, but it did get half completed, and I did get that half turned in. The 4th edition D&D was announced, and I wasn't sure whether or not they would still be needing the rest of it. Frankly, even if I were to finish, I have a hard time seeing them getting the thing through editing before 4E. On top of that they put a moratorium on adventure arcs through the launch of 4E, which leaves my small project dead in the water.

While it's sad that the ten part story I was going to tell won't see the light of day, at least not under the 3E rules, it does one thing for me that I've been needing for a while: it completely cleared my writing schedule.

The last couple major projects I've had on my plate were this and a Babylon 5 novel. The B5 novels probably would have also been a cool thing to have my name on, except that due to open and public criticism between the B5 series creator JMS and Mongoose Publishing, they decided not to go forward with their novel line.

It's unfortunate that two projects are canceled. One was certainly partially my fault, but the other was not. In any case I am now free to pursue a career in fiction writing. In fact, I've recently been immersing myself in Star Trek: The Next Generation, and I have a few novel ideas. I am a published author, and they do publish a lot of books. I think it's time to put gaming behind me and finally embark upon the novel writing career I've always wanted.

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